Temple Q for Quetzalcoatl
This colorful stone structure is the gateway to the first sub-world on Argus. Statues guard the entry and once-bright colors bathe the stone surfaces. Channels of luminoy crystal line the pathways up to the crest of the temple. The statues represent the character from Children of Arla, known a Klateqal. The stone and colors of the structure represent multiple times and cultures of the ancient civilizations of MesoAmerica.
It was believed that the Hydrackian Traveler, Klateqal, as well as the mysterious one that came before him, were the basis of many of myths and legends. One in particular is Queztalcoatl, the plumed serpent god. It was believed that Quetzalcoatl would return one day.
A gateway to many worlds
The Hydrackian Ata built the world known as Argus in Children of Arla. It has many portal temples on it, each housing a gateway to a sub-world based on another place and time in Earth’s history. Temple Q leads to two such sub-worlds, the Aztec and the Maya. Both worlds illustrate the culture and the architecture of the day in an organic virtual space, a living virtual world.
In the game, players will be able to complete quests and puzzles that will unlock the portals to each and swim through a cenote (Maya) or a dark cave to the underworld (Aztec) and the darkness of Mictlan and where Quetzalcoatl had escaped from. After their journey, players will come out in a new world, different than Argus. It will be a near replica of the times of the Aztec and Maya.
Historical Fiction at Work
The intent of the sub-worlds is not only teach but entertain players as they explore these areas in the game. Be sure to know, it will not be easy to gain access. There are many quests and puzzles that need to be completed. There are also some really interesting real-rewards to be earned as well. The game will take historical fiction and sci-fantasy to new heights. It will all start with this temple gateway, Temple Q.
Designing the Temple
We knew we wanted it to look a lot like a temple structure like those found throughout the landscape of Mesoamerica. We wanted the statues to be based on the Hydrackian character, Klateqal. Our concept artist Beatris sketched out the basic outlines.
At first, she worked on the temple crown. This is the small statue that sits at the very top of the temple. It located right in front of the large opening at the top of the temple.
After deciding on the design for the top of the temple, Beatris worked on the sketches of the overall temple. As usual, she came up with four designs for us to work through. They used various ideas that came from the book, Children of Arla, and reference pictures from sites throughout Mexico.
The initial draft and Temple Q color exploration
We picked the best features from each design and combined them into an initial draft. Right after that, we started the color exploration. There were four color variations and when I first saw the designs, it was difficult to choose the best. They all worked great.
Final Design
We selected the final design from the best of…..
Take a look at the process from beginning to end.
Get More Info about this project
If you want more info about this game project, read more about it on the Advent Game page.
Please read the book, Children of Arla by purchasing it on Amazon or at your favorite bookseller. It is currently available in paperback and on Kindle, Audible, and Apple iTunes. Ask your local bookseller to get it for you if they don’t have it.